CCC COMMUNITY WATCH, 1-352-748-5555
Wildwood Police department non-emergency number 352-793-2621.
Are you ready? Yes it’s hurricane season with our peak period being September through October. We have partneried with The Villages C.E. R. T. (Community Emergency Response Team) This program is open to all CCC residents. Your safety is very important to us. If you need the CERT, just call Community Watch at 352-748-5555.

Our safety is paramount. The best way to be prepared is to BE AWARE. Sumter County has recently introduce a mass notification system for emergencies. Our residents should subscribe to it. You will be notified of emergencies by text, email telephone, select whatever means. CLICK ON THE IMAGE TO THE LEFT TO BE DIRECTED TO THE SUMTER COUNTY SITE FOR INFORMATION AS TO THE PROGRAM AND REGISTRATION
EMERGENCY SUPPLY KIT and more Click the ‘ready’ image to get to the DHS emergency site. We open the site to “build a kit”. Be sure to look at the entire DHS website. After an emergency, you may need to survive on your own for several days. Being prepared means having your own food, water and other supplies to last for several days. A disaster supplies kit is a collection of basic items your household may need in the event of an emergency.

Location of AED’s: Community Watch Shacks front and back gates Community Watch Vehicle Administration Building (front wall) Weight Room Locker room area (between men & women’s) Pool(spa area) Clubhouse (back wall) Softball Pavilion Maintenance Building (front entrance) Arts & Crafts Building Wood shop