Continental Country Club History
Note: This site contains little original material; rather it is an organized web link array for study.
We're looking for more material; If you wish to contribute histories, stories, old photos etc., please contact
Comments, corrections, etc. are welcome.
Florida Peninsula Evolves
Florida’s land then and now
Florida formations
Why we have lots of ground water
Florida’s water then and now
Florida’s aquifers
Hydrogeologic framework of Fl Aquifers
Florida History Timeline
Who was here first? What happened next?
Land leased to Army during WW2
Army training and maintenance site
Leesburg Air Service Center
Site Inspection Report
Hester Sells Property
Frederic Hester sold ‘us’ the property.
Hester trail in Phase 1 is named for him. His driveway is next to the Grove trail mailstop.
Hester background
Sale to Continental
Initially a camping community
Plan for Continental camper resort
Typical camper
Golf Course History
Mickey Mantle Years
Mickey was a spokesman for CCC, and he owned a home here.
Click here to reach our Mickey Mantle page
For more detailed history click on the below other CCC history webpages