Continental Country Club History

Note: This site contains little original material; rather it is an organized web link array for study.

We're looking for more material; If you wish to contribute histories, stories, old photos etc., please contact 

Comments, corrections, etc. are welcome.


Mickey Mantle Years

Mickey was a spokesman for CCC, and he owned a home here.
Click here to reach our Mickey Mantle page

For more detailed history click on the below other CCC history webpages

Quick Links

General Managers Contact Information:
Joe Miller, LCAM
Direct Office Number: 352-330-2942
Monday-Friday 8am-4:30pm

Our Golf course

Continental Country Club
71 Continental Blvd
Wildwood Fl 34785
Pro Shop: 352-748-3293

Our Restaurant

Paulie's at the Oaks on 44
75 Continental Blvd
Wildwood Fl 34785
Restaurant: 352-748-0050


50 Continental Blvd
Wildwood Fl 34785
Office: 352-748-0100