The meetings are the 3rd Monday of the month.   We don't meet until until September 16,


Click above image to see more images, including memorial bricks surrounding our memorial centerpiece.

Lynn Whitmer, Sec’y 
At the reading of the ECHO, the memorial service was held on March 1st for Dr. Loretta Ford. At 104 years old, Dr. Ford leaves a legacy as a WWII veteran of the Army-Air Corp, and as the first nurse that recognized the health care need deficiency in many areas and found an answer to that need. With the support of a pediatrician, she developed and promoted the role of Nurse Practitioner that would fill that gap and has become an integral part of the health care team today. When you see your Nurse Practitioner at the office, thank Dr. Ford for her vision.

So, March also brings us the Hot Dog fundraiser that many in our community have come to look forward to. This year, it will be March 26th at 4 pm in the Veterans Memorial Park. Ticket prices remain at $6. Come out and support the Veterans, have a hot dog and enjoy the fellowship; meet new friends. For tickets, you may contact Bob Garrett, Mike Murphy and Billy Schools or any veteran you know.

If you are a military Veteran, WE WANT YOU to be a part of us and help support our community. We meet on the 3rd Monday of every month in the Magnolia room at 1045. Come and check out what we do. We are only as strong as the membership. Recently some of the spouses/partners of our Veterans have inquired how they can support the association. A Veterans Auxiliary is the answer, and if you are interested in establishing and/ or participating in this group please reach out to Bob Garrett or Larry Woodward for further information.

We also want to thank the Color Guard Captain, Jan Meyer, and the Honor Guard Captain, Randy Stegemerten, for their support of community events. These groups are always looking for volunteers to be involved in Memorial Services and Annual events. These groups are a very visible part of our Association. As always, we have Memorial Bricks, American flags, poles, and lights for purchase.

As you see, there are many ways to serve and get involved in our community Veteran’s Association. Any questions or if you know of a veteran in need of assistance, please contact Bob Garrett at 602-818-5476.
For God and Country

Thanks to Volunteers & Residents supporting CCC Vets again October 25  2023


Continental Veterans properly disposing American Flags April 2023


March 2023 Hot Dog Fundraiser Slideshow.  Click side arrows to select images

Making our March 2023 meeting both productive and enjoyable with the help of lunch provided by Mission BBQ.

CCC Veterans Association plaque appreciating MISSION BBQ. Photo c/o Michael Murphy


In the Restaurant there’s a hall between the dining room and the lounge. In the corner is The Continental Veterans POW table in memory of those who were/are prisoners of war.
Please read the following which will explain exactly what the table represents