Vets’ Corner
Lynn Whitmer, Sec’y
At the reading of the ECHO, the memorial service was held on March 1st for Dr. Loretta Ford. At 104 years old, Dr. Ford leaves a legacy as a WWII veteran of the Army-Air Corp, and as the first nurse that recognized the health care need deficiency in many areas and found an answer to that need. With the support of a pediatrician, she developed and promoted the role of Nurse Practitioner that would fill that gap and has become an integral part of the health care team today. When you see your Nurse Practitioner at the office, thank Dr. Ford for her vision.
So, March also brings us the Hot Dog fundraiser that many in our community have come to look forward to. This year, it will be March 26th at 4 pm in the Veterans Memorial Park. Ticket prices remain at $6. Come out and support the Veterans, have a hot dog and enjoy the fellowship; meet new friends. For tickets, you may contact Bob Garrett, Mike Murphy and Billy Schools or any veteran you know.
If you are a military Veteran, WE WANT YOU to be a part of us and help support our community. We meet on the 3rd Monday of every month in the Magnolia room at 1045. Come and check out what we do. We are only as strong as the membership. Recently some of the spouses/partners of our Veterans have inquired how they can support the association. A Veterans Auxiliary is the answer, and if you are interested in establishing and/ or participating in this group please reach out to Bob Garrett or Larry Woodward for further information.
We also want to thank the Color Guard Captain, Jan Meyer, and the Honor Guard Captain, Randy Stegemerten, for their support of community events. These groups are always looking for volunteers to be involved in Memorial Services and Annual events. These groups are a very visible part of our Association. As always, we have Memorial Bricks, American flags, poles, and lights for purchase.
As you see, there are many ways to serve and get involved in our community Veteran’s Association. Any questions or if you know of a veteran in need of assistance, please contact Bob Garrett at 602-818-5476.
For God and Country
Susan Horsman, Cmdr. (ret.)
Hello all! To those who have gone back or are traveling, I hope you did so safely. Our next meeting is Monday, September 16. Despite moving dates around, the Hot Dog sale in March went great!! Thank you all for attending and to our volunteers as well. I hope you all had a great Memorial Day weekend. We need your help! If you have served in the military, please join our group because we need you. If you are a vet that fires a weapon and would like to join the Honor Guard, please contact Randy Stegemerten. Women, if you would like to carry a flag for our services (no military background required), please contact our Color Guard Captain, Barbara Anderson. Have a safe summer, all!
Sue Horsman
Hi, I am Susan Horsman, the new Commander of the Veteran’s Association here at CCC.
Meetings are held once a month, the third Monday of the month at 10:45 am in the Magnolia room. All Veterans from CCC are welcome to come, Males and females alike.
We officially do Memorial Day and Veterans Day here at CCC. We handle services for families of veterans of CCC that request us.
We do need Honor Guard members, those women who would like to carry a flag at our services. We provide the uniform shirt/blouse and cap. This is for all women who hold a special memory in there heart for service men and women who currently serve, have served or who passed on. Randy S runs the weapon (gun) volleys at each of services. He always needs new members. Join us and volunteer for the many jobs open.
We are responsible for the official Flags at CCC, lowering, raising and up-keep of these flags.
March27th is the Hot Dog fundraiser from 4:00 pm until? It is open to CCC residents and anyone who wants to help out.
The Reverse raffle will be held on March 9th 4-6 in the Magnolia room. If you would like to purchase tickets see Billy Schools or Russell Tipton or any member of the Veteran’s Association of Continental Country Club.
If you are a Veteran come join us.
Susan Horsman, Commander
CCC Veterans Corner
January 2024
Thank you all for supporting our Veterans Golf Tournament, it was a great success, raising nearly $4,000! Funds raised will go to support our many programs helping veterans. A special thank you to Bob Benderman, his wife Ginni, Grant McDonald, Steve Wresh, The Oaks and the many others who helped make this a success. Thank you all!
The winners of this tournament are as follows:
Front Nine,
1st Place: Rob Hary, Steve Sharp, Scott Groh and Gary Anderson
2 nd Place: Doug Beebe, Jackie Paterson, Gary Pilling and Judy Nickerson
Back Nine,
1st Place: Don Hutson, Mark McClelland, Gary Valuet and Ron Buss
2 nd Place: Sandi Reynolds, Gene Reynolds, Ralph Kaufman and David Good
Closest To The Pin: #8 Gary Pilling; #13 Dave Good; #17 Tami Schug Putting Contest: was a 3 way tie: John Miller (won the golf bag), Kim Vinning and Dave Hutson January is our membership drive.
If you are a Veteran we encourage you to join our CCC Veterans Association. You need only to have been honorably discharged from active duty and be a CCC resident. We meet the 3rd Monday of the month in the Magnolia Room at 10:45. The coffee is always on. In addition, the first 50 members to pay their 2024 dues will be invited to a free luncheon, at The Oaks, on Feb 24th…to include their spouse. See me, Larry Woodward for details.
The Vietnam Memorial for The National Cemetery, Bushnell has arrived. The dedication will be on January 10, at 10:00AM. Our organization raised $3,500 towards this 6 ft by 8 ft Vietnam memorial; and we have waited several years to see this project completed. They are expecting a large turnout for this dedication…all are welcome. They are hoping that Continental Veterans will be well represented.
Today’s History Lesson
January 1, 1776: George Washington unveiled the first national flag in America
January 1, 1863: The Emancipation Proclamation signed by President Lincoln
January 16, 1991 Desert Storm (Persian Gulf) began
Third Monday in January is Martin Luther King Jr. Day
For God and Country
Larry Woodward
CCC Veterans Corner
December 2023
Thank you all for attending our Veterans Day Ceremony last month. Our focus was on
America’s Veterans…specifically our CCC Veterans. My message to you was words of encouragement. Encouragement to know and support our CCC Veterans…your neighbors.
If you are a Veteran, we encourage you to join our CCC Veterans Association. You need only to have been honorably discharged from active duty and be a CCC resident. We meet the 3rd Monday of the month in the Magnolia Room at 10:45. The coffee is always on. We honor and give thanks to those who have lost their lives giving service to their country, please take this opportunity to think about your friends and neighbors. If they are a Veteran… have you thanked them for their service/ have you sat down with them to hear their stories? If not, please do so before their stories are silenced and maybe never heard. We may not know them all…but we owe them all! May God bless you all!
Today’s History Lesson
- December 1, 1941 - The American Civil Air Patrol (CAP), a U.S. Air Force auxiliary, was founded.
- December 6, 1865 - The 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was ratified abolishing slavery.
- December 7, 1941 - The U.S. Naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, was attacked by nearly 200 Japanese aircraft in a raid that lasted just over one hour and left nearly 3,000 Americans dead.
- December 10, 1898 - The Treaty of Paris was signed between American and Spanish representatives following Spain's defeat in the Spanish-American War.
- December 16, 1944 - During World War II in Europe, the Battle of the Bulge began as the Germans take American troops by surprise.
Wishing you all a great holiday season with friends and family!
For God and Country
Larry Woodward
CCC Veterans
Larry Woodward November 2023
Our CCC Veterans Association has been instrumental in both the funding and creation of a Vietnam Memorial to be placed in the Florida National Cemetery, Bushnell, FL. The monument is 8 ft. wide and 6 ft tall. It will be delivered to the cemetery on Dec. 1st and its public dedication will take place on December 7th 2023.
Two of our fellow veteran members have recently passed… Ken Owens and Steve Newton. A memorial service for Steve Newton will be held as part of our Veterans Day Ceremony on Nov. 11th at 11AM in our Veterans Memorial Park area. The service for Ken Owens will be held on November 16th at 1:00 PM at The First Christian Church (out our back gate).
Please join us on Saturday, November 11th at 11:00 AM in our CCC Veterans Park to celebrate Veterans Day with our CCC Veterans as well as your loved ones who have served our great nation.
One of our best venues for raising funds for our CCC Veterans Association is our Hot Dog Fundraiser.
Thank you to our veterans and spouses for putting this on and more importantly, thank you to our CCC residents for your support.
Our history lesson for the month of November:
“Veterans Day honors all of those who have served the country in war or peace —it’s largely intended to thank living veterans for their sacrifices. It was originally called Armistice Day, commemorating the end of World War I. World War I officially ended when the Treaty of Versailles was signed on June 28, 1919. However, the fighting ended about seven months before that when the Allies and Germany put into effect an armistice on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month.
In 1926, Congress officially recognized it as the end of the war, and in 1938, it became an official holiday. But then World War II and the Korean War happened, so on June 1, 1954, at the urging of veterans service organizations, Congress amended the commemoration yet again by changing the word “armistice” to “veterans” so the day would honor American veterans of all wars.”
NOTE: We are collecting “Letters To Our Troops.” Please jot down a short note encouraging/thanking our troops…please do not place in an envelope. You can drop off your letters in the Activities Building (on top of the flag disposal Box) or hand them to any member of our CCC Veterans Organization. We will bundle them up and see that they are mailed to our troops either through Mission BBQ or a program called “A Million Thanks.” Deadline is Monday, Nov. 20th.
For God and Country
Larry Woodward
CCC Veterans
Larry Woodward October 2023
Welcome back to most all of our snowbirds!
One of our best venues for raising funds for our CCC Veterans Association is our Hot Dog Fundraiser.
We host this event the LAST WEDNESDAY OF October (the 25th) and again in March. The event is held
at our CCC Veterans Memorial Park…just inside the front entrance and to the right, at 4:00 PM. We will
serve until 5:30 PM. Tickets can be purchased with a $6.00 donation from any member of our Veterans
group; or call Russell Tipton 352-216-0072 or Billy Schools at: 352-748-4427. Your donation includes your hot
dog, potato salad, baked beans and ice cream. We do request you bring your own drink and a chair.
Our history lesson for the month of October:
President Lincoln declares every 4th Thursday in November as the American Thanksgiving Day
The US, together with Great Britain, launched an invasion on Afghanistan) under Operation Enduring Freedom in response to the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in the US. (10/7/2001)
The US Naval School, later known as the US Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland, opens with 50
students. (10/10/1845)
The pledge of Allegiance is first recited by students in many US public schools. (10/12/1892)
The Statue of Liberty was dedicated on Liberty Island in New York Harbor in New York City.
NOTE: If you have a talent or special trade and can help a Veteran with a small home repair, please
reach out to our CCC Veterans Association to volunteer/share your talents. You may not be physically capable of doing the repairs…but sometimes just the knowledge shared can help solve a
problem. On that note…should you know of a veteran in need of help let us know.
For God and Country
Larry Woodward
September 2023
Meet Donald Lynch

Continental Country Club’s Veterans Association would like our community to meet one of our members…Donald Lynch. Don is a Korean War veteran and longtime CCC resident. His journey in life began outside Washington DC in1931. He is the only surviving member of nine siblings. Growing up in the thirties and forties made for a very hard time at home…especially for large families. In high school Don participated in several sports and held various jobs, from delivering newspapers to doing yard work. At age 17 he joined the Naval Air Corps for three years. As the Korean War started Don was drafted into the Army on 18 February 1952, at age 20. He completed his basic training at Ft. Lee, VA. and was assigned to Ft. Lawton in Seattle WA, working in supply until he was shipped off to Korea via Japan…boarding another ship arriving in Inchon, Korea. Instead of reporting to headquarters where he was to be assigned as a Quartermaster Staff Sargent, the manpower shortage on the front lines resulted in him being ordered to a front-line company.
While on the front lines he and another soldier were ordered to blow up a bridge…he didn’t know how many enemy soldiers were on the bridge that day…he said he was just doing his job. He engaged and fought the North Koreans…many times in hand-to-hand combat. He shot and killed several of the enemy in his foxhole before being stabbed twice in his abdomen and being hit in the thigh with a steel ball from a bouncing betty land mind. After recovering from his wounds, he was assigned back at headquarters as a Quartermaster of supply…where he remained until the end of the war.
After being discharged at Ft. Mead MD he returned to the Washington DC area holding a variety of civilian jobs until he had an offer in south FL to be a land surveyor. He initially worked on what is now known as the Florida Turnpike. In 1956 Don eventually worked his way to this area joining the railroad as a brakeman, working out of the Jacksonville and Wildwood rail yards. He lived in several locations from an apartment in Leesburg to a three acres home in Fruitland Park where he raised chickens and grew watermelons. Don worked for the railroad for 36 ½ years.
Don is currently very active with the Korean War Veterans as you can tell with the variety of pins he wears so proudly on his ball cap. In addition, he is very active with the Retired Railroad Association having held nearly every officer position in that organization. This group meets once a month at the Golden Corral. Don moved to CCC in 1990 establishing a lawn care service with many of our residents…he continues to supervise a crew to this day. Don was married three times; however, he has no children. His Father passed in 1975 and his mother in 1992. Don is an active member of our CCC Veterans Association and can be easily identified by the many service-related pins on his hat. If you see Don out and about stop and say hi…he’s a very interesting individual.
NOTE: Our CCC Veterans Association monthly meetings starts-up again: Monday, Sep. 18, at 10:45 in the Mag Room.
For God and Country
Larry Woodward
August. 2023
I hope everyone is enjoying their summer…finding ways to stay cool if you remained at CCC with the summer’s blistering heat…or if you’re up north, like I am, enjoying sending “cool” weather updates to our friends in the south…rubbing it in (smile). As for Veteran news, there is not much to report on for this month of August. Our CCC Veterans Association does not meet during the summer, but we have been here for the proper disposal of over a hundred US flags on Flag Day and we have installed a couple more flag poles for our residents. We will resume our regular monthly meeting on September 18th.
Lastly, I’m sad to say Steve Newton, a Navy Veteran passed away at the age of 79 on July 1st. Steve was very interested and involved in crafts, bridge, and billiards and a Buffalo Bills fan. He was also an active member on our CCC Long Term Planning Committee as well as the Veteran’s Honor Guard. Our CCC Veterans Association has reached out to Steve’s family offering a memorial service in the Fall, please watch for details to follow. Rest in peace Steve.
Our History Lesson for August
We have two military birthdays in the Month of August: Aug. 4th is the US Coast Guard’s birthday and Aug. 29th is the Marine Corps Reserves birthday.
Having been established on August 4th, 1790, the Coast Guard Reserve will be 232 years old this year. Their motto is “Semper Paratus” …meaning Always Ready.
The beginning of the Marine Corps Reserve dates back to August 29th, 1916, when U.S. involvement in WW I appeared to be more likely President Woodrow Wilson signed the Naval Appropriations Act of 1916, which established the Marine Corps Reserve.
For God and Country
Larry Woodward
July 2023
June 14th was Flag Day…thank you to our Veterans who assisted with our flag disposal of over a hundred torn or faded US Flags. Thank you to our residents for their diligence and patriotism for identifying flags in need of disposal. As a reminder there is a box where you can dop off torn or faded flags in the Activities Building.
On behalf of our CCC Veterans Association I had the honor last month of presenting a check to the Villages Honor Flight Program … in the amount of $1,200.
This will pay for two veterans to participate in an Honor Flight trip to Washington DC. where they visit the WWII Memorial, Korean Memorial and the Vietnam Memorial. This organization serves the immediate three county area of FL. If a veteran is interested, please go to their website and submit an application at: or call: (352) 432-1382.
NOTE: Our CCC Veterans Association will not be meeting in June, July, or August…but we encourage new membership of our CCC Veterans. We meet the 3rd Monday of each month at 10:45 in the Mag Room.
Have you ever given much thought to how our 4th of July celebration ever came about?” Many people associate the Fourth of July with the end of the American Revolution, but that’s not the actual case. One year into the war the Continental Congress voted to approve America’s independence from Britain and Thomas Jefferson drafted the Declaration of Independence…and on July 4th, 1776 Congress adopted the declaration…it was at that point America was officially fighting for their independence. The war went on for nearly a total of seven years, ending in 1783. (Source: Better Homes and Gardens)
The holiday itself commemorates the first time the 13 colonies officially declared America as an Independent country. So, as you fly your flag in honor of the 4th of July holiday think about the sacrifices of our country’s founders.
For God and Country
Larry Woodward
June, 2023
We had a great May meeting of the CCC Veterans Association. Our Guest speaker was David Gustafson from the Florida National Cemetery in Bushnell. He brought a lot of insight to the guidelines for a Veteran and his/her spouse to be buried there. I will share some of the many details with you in the July issue of the Echo. Should you have any immediate questions feel free to call the FL National Cemetery at: 352-793-7740.
It’s been a great year thus far for our CCC Veterans Association. However, like many organizations, we will not be meeting over the summer (June, July, or August) but I will continue to share some military related important dates and information in this section of the Echo throughout the summer.
Safe travels to those who may be traveling We’ll see you in the Fall!
JUNE 14th is FLAG DAY…first started in1777. In discussions about our American flag, I often hear from residents expressing their confusion as to what days to fly our USA flag at half stay and sometimes even how that is done. I don’t mean to talk down to anyone so if you already know this information, please help us in passing it on to others. In 2023 the dates and reasons for flying our flag at half staff were: May 7, National Firefighters Memorial Day; May 15th, Peace Officers Memorial Day; May 29th, Memorial Day; September 11th, Patriot Day; and December 7th, Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day. On all these dates the flag is to be at half staff sunrise to sunset…with the exception of Memorial Day when it is at half staff only from sunrise to noon. Any other calls to lower a flag at half staff can only be made by the President and state Governors. However, you’re only required to fly your flag at half staff if its outside a government building. Therefore, your flag displayed at home can be left at full-staff if you prefer. Reminder…it is an acceptable practice to fly a 3-inch x 5 ft. black ribbon at the top of your flag to symbolize the flag is at half-staff. Lastly, you may continue dropping off torn or faded flags at the Activities building drop box.
History Lesson:
June 4, 1919, the 19th Amendment to the US Constitution guaranteeing women the right to vote, was approved by the Senate and ratified in August 1920.
June 6, 1944…D-Day, “the largest invasion of the allied troops by air, land and sea of Normandy, France. The invasion force included 7,000 ships and 195,000 naval personnel from eight countries. Casualties associated with this landing were nearly 10,300. On May 7, 1945, German General Alfred Jodl signed an unconditional surrender at Reims, France.”
Source: Eisenhower’s Presidential Library.
For God and Country
Larry Woodward
May 2023
Dates and Events to Remember
- A huge thank you and appreciation goes out to our Veterans and their spouses that made our Hot Dog Night a great success. But, it wouldn’t have been such a great event without you …the residents and community members who attended…thank you all! Save the date for another Hot Dog Night on Wednesday, October 25th.
- At our April Veterans Association meeting Jim Garth gave us a presentation and update on the Villages Honor Flight Program…of which two of our current members have participated in. Veterans, age 78 and older are encouraged to complete an application to fly to Washington, DC and visit the WWII Memorial, Korean Memorial and the Vietnam Memorial. This organization serves the immediate five county area of FL. Please go to their website at: or call: (352) 432-1382.
- Please save the date for our Veteran’s Memorial Day Program: Monday, May 29th at 11:00 AM…at our Veteran’s Memorial Park. We encourage ALL CCC residents to come out and share in our Memorial Day Tribute to our Veterans.
At this event we will have hats, T-shirts, flags etc. for sale….stop by and get a poppy.
The history of the Memorial Day Poppy
“The poppy as a symbol of war casualties started with a poem. In the spring of 1915, a Canadian artillery unit brigade surgeon named Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae saw bright red poppies blooming on the war-torn fields where so many soldiers had lost their lives, and he was moved to write “In Flanders Fields.” Source: Readers Digest
How To Hoist the American Flag
If you’re using a flag pole, hoist the American Flag by raising the flag quickly, then slowly and ceremoniously lower it to half-staff. For Memorial Day…the flag should remain at half-staff until noon…then briskly raised to the top of the pole.
“Flag Code”
“It is difficult, if not impossible, to display a house flag at half -staff. An acceptable patriotic practice is to attach a black ribbon or streamer at the top of the American Flag. The ribbon should be about 3” wide and 5 feet long for a standard 3 x 5 house flag. There are many styles and prices for these ribbons on
For God and Country
Larry Woodward
April 2023
Thank you all for the support of our Veterans Hot Dog Night. We hope you enjoyed the event as much as we enjoyed putting it together for you. Events like these are a great way to meet your neighbors and make new friends. We do a second one each year, so please save the date: October 25, 2023.
Please note we will have a guest speaker at our next meeting to discuss Honor Flight…where selected veterans are flown to Washington D.C. and tour many of the military monuments. More information will be provided in the May issue of the Echo. Any Veteran may join us for our meetings, at 10:45 in the Magnolia Room, the 3rd Monday of the month.
Our History Lesson for April:
April is the month of The Military Child…”who face many challenges and unique experiences as a result of their parents’ service. There are more than 1.6 million military children who face many challenges and unique experiences as a result of their parents’ service.”
There is a poem titled “ I serve too” author unknown. In the poem the military child reflects on years of watching a parent put on their uniform and leave for duty…often missing their birthday, holidays, soccer and swim meets: the child just keeps repeating…”I : serve too.” But with all the missed time together, that they will never get back, the military child writes:
“I see the flag and I feel reverence, I hear the anthem and I try to be brave, I hope for the day I can embrace my hero, I may not wear the uniform, but I serve too!”
Military children (and military spouses) miss out on a lot of their children growing up. So, during the month of April we encourage you all to understand and appreciate the sacrifices of both the military child and their families…as many Veterans know so well.
For God and Country
Larry Woodward
March 2023
One of our best venues for raising funds for our CCC Veterans Association
is our Hot Dog Fundraiser. We host this event the LAST WEDNESDAY OF
MARCH (the 29th) and again in October. The event is held at our CCC
Veterans Memorial Park…just inside the entrance and to the right, at 4:00
PM. Tickets can be purchased with a $6.00 donation from any member of
our Veterans group; or call Susan Horsman at: 352-399-2590 or myself,
Larry Woodward at: 904-449-8451. Price includes your hot dog, potato
salad, baked beans and ice cream. We do request you bring your own
drink and a chair.
Our history lesson for the month of MARCH:
March 3rd is the Navy Reserve Birthday (105 years old this year)
March 4th is Hug a GI Day
March 13th is K9 Veterans Day
March 15th is American Legion Birthday
March 25th is National Medal of Honor Day
March 29th is Vietnam Veterans Day
Also, on March 3rd, 1931, President Herbert Hoover signed into law the
Star-Spangled Banner as our National Anthem.
NOTE: If you have a talent or special trade and can help a veteran with a
small home repair please reach out to our CCC Veterans Association to
volunteer/share your talents. So, on that note, should you know of a Veteran in need let us know as well.
For God and Country
Larry Woodward
February 2023
The //" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" style="background: transparent; transition: all 0.1s ease-in-out 0s; color: rgb(153, 0, 0); text-decoration-line: underline;">U.S. Flag Code says, “The Flag, when it is in such condition that it is no longer a fitting emblem for display, should be destroyed in a dignified way, preferably by burning.”
Our Veterans group collects flags from our residents that are in need of being disposed of…flags that are torn or faded. You can drop off your flags in the well-marked container outside our library. It is recommended flags are disposed of by burning in a ceremonious way. Members of our Veterans group: Bob Garrett, Sue Horsman, Terry O’Brien, Russell Tipton and myself recently disposed of over 150 very weathered flags…thank you to our community for being so diligent regarding your flag displays. Our Veterans are not the “flag police” …we rely on every patriotic person in our community to make the call when a flag needs replacing. Please contact us if you are in need of a,” Made In The USA” flag…cost is $27. Displaying no flag at all is better than displaying one that is in need of disposal. Thank you.
I would like to include in our Veterans Corner some interesting historical “Did You Know” facts that have occurred in this given month of “February.”
- Although President George Washington’s birthday is on Feb. 11th1 and President Abraham Lincoln’s is on Feb 12th…we will be celebrating Presidents Day on Feb. 20th.
- In February 1865 President Lincoln signed the 13th Amendment to our Constitution, abolishing slavery.
- Also in February 1865 President Lincoln began the negotiations to end the American Civil War.
Thank you for allowing me to share a “teaching moment” with you all. As a former educator, a father of three and grandfather of five… I often seek out opportunities to teach. In doing so I hope to keep alive the memory of a past CCC Veterans Group Commander, Rick Whitmer…he would always provide us with some tidbit of knowledge…educating us all. September 19, 1951 – March 30, 2022. May he R.I.P.
SAVE THE DATE: Wednesday, March 29th…Hot Dog Fund Raiser!
NOTE: Changes to our By-Laws discussed at the Jan. 16, 2023 meeting will be voted on at our Feb. 20th scheduled meeting.
For God and Country
Commander Larry Woodward
January 2023
Larry Woodward
I would like to welcome you all back from your holiday gatherings and safe travels. Like many of you, our Veterans group is looking forward to a great New Year! We have completed our election for our club officers…the majority of officers will remain in place. However, there are two position changes resulting in Susan Horsman moving into the Vice Commander position and myself, Larry Woodward, assuming the leadership role of Commander.
I realize I have a real challenge ahead of me…following in the footsteps of our past great Commanders like Billy Schools and Rick Whitmer. But, I have learned a lot from them and I am up for the challenge! We will continue our past practices of providing our CCC community with outstanding Memorial Day and Veterans Day Ceremonies. We will also make ourselves available for Veteran Memorial Services and assistance as requested… providing comfort to their loved ones as well. We will continue to ask for the communities support with our Hot Dog Sales in March and October, as well as our December Golf Tournament; in doing so we can continue our support for local charities.
We continue to provide made in USA American Flags at a cost of $27 each and Memorial Bricks for $50. Please visit our website or contact a member for information related to these items and any questions you may have about our organization.
Before I provide you with the “winners” information on our most recent Golf Tournament, I would like to ask if you are a Veteran please consider joining our CCC Veterans Club. We meet the 3rd Monday of the month (except for June, July and August), in the Magnolia Room, at 10:45AM and dues is only $12 per year. The coffee is always on and the doughnuts are usually pretty good as well. I look forward to meeting and working with you all. Happy New Year!
For God and Country, Commander Larry Woodward
December 2022
What a great turn out for the pig roast. Thanks to Eric Pearson for supplying and cooking the pig and special thanks to Bob and Ginny Benderman for helping to organize the food and 50/50. Thanks to all of those who brought and donated food and deserts. There are too many to mention individually, thanks to all.
In November’s Veterans’ article I mentioned that American flags made in the U. S. were 25.00 dollars, I was wrong they 27.00 dollars. As always we have memorial bricks for 50.00 dollars.
The holidays seasons are rapidly approaching, and a lot of us will be traveling to see families and friends. Stay safe and be extra careful.
I don’t normally add personal comments to Veterans articles. I want to thank our community that has supported me and the Veterans association over the years. It’s time that I step down as Commander in January. I have been either Commander or vice Commander at different times for at least 8 years, I think. I really can’t remember when I first started. There is no way that I would have gotten through all of those years without the support of my lovely wife and a lot of her insight. I will still be active in our club, that part won’t change. Thanks again to all.
For God and Country, Commander Billy Schools
November 2022
Veterans association would like to thank everyone who came out & supported us at our hot dog event. This & other events allow us to donate money to various clubs & charities, not only in Ccc but to other worthy causes in our community.
Our Veterans Day program will be on Friday November 11th at 11:00 am , at our veterans memorial. Also after Veterans Day program there will be a pig roast at softball pavilion, for all Veterans & their families,
Veterans annual golf tournament will be December 3 ,for more information check with pro shop for sign up sheet & tee times.
As always we have flags made in the USA for sale 25.00 dollars, & memorial bricks for sale 50.00 dollars.
Military history this month: tomb of the unknown soldier was dedicated at Arlington National Cemetery; during the civil war General Sherman began his March to the sea through the heart of the Southern states; Vietnam memorial was dedicated in Washington DC; during Korean war, after 42 days of constant fighting the battle of triangle hill ended with the loss of life & casualties totaling 1,540 only to abandon the hill.
If you have questions or concerns about Veterans affairs call me at 352 -748-4427 , Commander Billy Schools….
October 2022
Veteran hot dog event will be held on Wednesday October 26 at 4:00 pm at Veterans memorial, mark your calendar, tickets are only 6 dollars; they can be purchased from any number of Veterans in our association, or from me. Please bring your own chair & drinks, if possible.
We are always looking for volunteers to help serve food or some other capacity, let me know.
Veterans Day program will be Friday November 11 at 11 :00 am at Veterans memorial.
We have 3×5 American made flags for your house, made in the US A , for $25.00 & memorial bricks only 50.00 dollars .
Men & women serving in the military have various jobs, for those in a combat situation, a medic may mean the difference between life & death, they don’t get the credit or recognition that they deserve, they are known by several names Doc , corpsman, or combat medic , they put their own life in danger to aid some who is injured or shot, some medics serve on land or at sea, where ever they serve their job is to aid & comfort those who are sick or injured , not many jobs in the military are as important as theirs, especially for those in a combat situation.
For questions or concerns about Veterans affairs contact me at 748-4427, Commander Billy Schools….
September 2022
The Veterans association will begin holding their monthly meetings on the 3rd Monday of each month, beginning September 19th at 10:45 in the magnolia room. We invite veterans who are new to our community or those who haven’t attended our meetings in some time to join us for coffee & doughnuts.
Our hot dog event will return on October 26th at 4:00 at Veterans memorial, ticket prices are only 6 dollars, the best deal in town, for our money, it’s been a couple of years since we have had our last one. If you would like to volunteer to serve or donate food (baked beans, no beans in hot dog chili sauce, sauerkraut) please let me know, we are always looking for more community involvement.
We have a number of events scheduled in coming months, including our annual golf tournament, more information later. I would like to thank Nancy Bourque for replacing the Bible & water glass that were taken off the Pow-Mia table at entrance to our restaurant, when you see her out & about tell her thanks. As always we have Flags & Memorial bricks for sale.
In keeping with something that past Commander Rick Whitmer started – articles of military history. In September, Union General William Tecumseh Sherman laid siege to Atlanta Ga & captured a strong hold of the Southern states, aboard the battle ship USS Missouri in Tokyo bay Japan formally surrendered ending the war with Japan, 911 attacks on the World Trade Center & the Pentagon, Islamic terrorists, after taking over commercial air planes, during the war of 1812 British failed to capture Fort McHenry in Baltimore MD, during the battle Francis Scott Key composed his poem Defense of fort McHenry , which later became the United States National Anthem.
If you questions or concerns on Veterans affairs call me at 352-748-4427 for God & Country Billy Schools…
August 2022
Some military history for month of August:
1918 women enlist into the United States marine corps for first time. Opha Mae Johnson became the
first women to enlist.
8-6-1945 B-29 bomber Enola Gay dropped the first atomic bomb ( fat boy )on Hiroshima Japan killing
around 70,000 people instantly and some tens of thousands died in subsequent years from burns &
radiation poisoning. Three day later on 8-9-1945 a second atomic bomb (fat man) was dropped from
B-29 Bocks Car on Nagasaki Japan, killing around 39,000. That forced Japan into a unconditional
surrender and ended the war in Asia.
8-11-1972 in Vietnam the last remaining U.S. ground forces withdraw from Vietnam after almost 20
years at that time, our longest involvement in any war.
In October the Veterans Association is planning on having our hot dog event again after an absence of a couple of years. More to come on this later.
As always we have flags and memorial bricks for sale.
The veterans association and I would like to thank Randy Stegemerten for the work he put into
having a picture and frame made of our member. Randy & Charlie Abner & I presented it to Mission
Bbq restaurant in Lady Lake. We don’t normally endorse places but Mission Bbq is all about
Veterans and family. It is worth the trip to see and eat there.
Any questions or concerns about Veterans Affairs contact Billy Schools 352-748-4427
REMINDER: Veterans Meeting, September 19,2022 @ 10:45 in Magnolia Room
July 2022
The Veterans Association would like to thank everyone who took the time to attend our Memorial Day program. We had a tremendous turn out. We can’t thank everyone enough for the support you have shown over the years for our Vet association.
July 4th has a special meaning to America. As a nation we gained our Independence and the right to self rule as we deemed fit. With the signings of the Declaration of Independence, certain rights were guaranteed, freedom of religion, voting, and the right to bare arms. Many countries around the world don’t have those opportunities. The men who wrote and signed that document were way ahead of their time.
We have memorial bricks & 3 X 5 American Flags for sale ( unfortunately the price of American made flags have also risen to 25.00 dollars). If your flag is ripped, torn or faded take the time to replace it. Even if you don’t buy a flag from me or another Vets Member, take pride in displaying it and the way it looks.
We wish everyone a safe enjoyable summer.
Our next Veterans meeting will be on Monday, September 19th at 10:45 in the Magnolia room. Any questionsor concerns on Veterans affairs call 352-748-4427.
Billy Schools, Commander
May 2022
With a heavy heart, it’s my sad duty to report the passing of Veterans Association, Commander Rick
Whitmer. His passing was sudden and totally unexpected. Keep his wife, Lynn and their family in your
thoughts and prayers during their difficult times. It was my honor and privilege to have work with him for
the past few years. He will truly be missed by all who had the pleasure of knowing Rick. Rest In Peace
friend and comrade.
Another note of passing my friend and neighbor, Tony Mazzeo. Tony was 98 years old and a member of our Veterans Association. He was also a CCC resident for 30+ years. For of those of us who were lucky enough to know him, we know he was a remarkable man. He and his wife, Ann were married a very long time. They enjoyed golf, cooking & traveling and telling others of their travels. Rest In Peace. More Details to follow on both passings.
May marks our last Veterans meeting before our summer break.
We will have a Memorial Day program on May 30 at 11:00 am at the Veterans memorial.
As always, we have shirts, US 3+5 flags for 23.00 dollars & memorial bricks for 50.00 dollars, any
questions or concerns contact me, Billy Schools 748-4427
For God And Country
April 2022
If it’s April, it’s tax time. Everyone is always glad of that. Like the man, said the two things you can be sure of are death and taxes.
Here a couple of military events that took place in April:
The American Civil War was started with the bombardment of Fort Sumter in Charleston, South Carolina.
During the Korean War the battle for Pork Chop Hill raged with the 17th and 31st infantry regiments of the 71st infantry division sustaining heavy loss of life & casualties.
The siege of Khe Sanh in Vietnam ended after 76 days of intense fighting with substantial loss of life and numerous casualties, only to abandon the base camp later.
The 25th division leaves Hawaiian base & is ordered to Vietnam & to establish a base camp at Cu Chi .
As always our association has US Flags (3 x 5 for sale for $23 dollars and Memorial Bricks for $50 dollars.
For God and Country,
Rick Whitmer
March 2022
As we enter the month of March, I want to let everyone know that we have cancelled the April Hot Dog Fund Raiser. We did this for a couple of reasons, but primarily because of supply issues. Our source for buying the hot dogs, buns, potato salad and coleslaw is also having supply problems and cannot guarantee that we will be able to obtain them. So, this fund raiser is cancelled. With luck and a recovering economy, we are planning to have one in the fall. We are working on finding another source for our supplies.
There are a few days in March that are significant to our Military Veterans. The first is Mar 13th, the birthday of the US K9 Corps. Known as K9 Veterans Day, this originated on Mar 13th, 1942 and was meant to honor all military and working dogs for their service and sacrifice to our Nation. The Military originally trained these dogs for messenger and security duties and over time they have become essential to the Military mission. On this day we honor our Military K9s and all service dogs. Without their training and efforts, many more lives would be lost. Thank you for your service.
The next is Mar 25th, National Medal of Honor Day. Since 1991, this day is celebrated to honor the heroism and sacrifice of Medal of Honor recipients of the United States. The MOH is the highest award a Military member can receive. It is awarded by the President in the name of Congress to members of the United States Armed Forces who have “distinguished themselves by gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of their lives above and beyond the call of duty”. To date 3,943 individuals have been awarded this prestigious medal, 79 of whom are still living. On this day we remember and honor the courage and selfless sacrifice of these incredible individuals!
Another significant date is Mar 29th, Vietnam War Veterans Day. The Vietnam War Veterans Recognition Act of 2017 was signed into Law by President Donald J Trump designating every March 29th as Vietnam War Veterans Day. This recognition act honors all Veterans who served on Active Duty in the US Armed Forces at any time from Nov 1st, 1955, to May 15th, 1975, regardless of location. This date was chosen to be observed in perpetuity as Mar 29th, 1973 was the day the US Military Assistance Command, Vietnam, was disestablished and also the day the last US Combat Troops departed Vietnam. Some 9,087,000 Military personnel from all branches served during the official Vietnam Era. Of that number, 2,709,918, including over 7,000 nurses, served in uniform in Vietnam. Some of them reside her in CCC. Thank you for your service.
Due to some concerns from a few of our residents, the flag tip of the month is a repeat, flying the flag at half-staff. An easy way to remember when to fly the US Flag at half-staff is to consider when our Nation is in mourning. Simply put, when the President or Governor issues a proclamation to fly the flag at half-staff, all Federal, State and Local Government Facilities should comply. This does not pertain to businesses or personal property; however, if a business or property owner wishes to follow the proclamation, they may do so. If using a telescoping pole, it is acceptable to put the American flag on the second set of rings instead of the top set, leaving the top set empty. When the American Flag is flown at half-staff, all other flags (on that staff) should be removed. For flags that can’t be lowered, such as those on many homes, attaching a black ribbon or streamer to the top of the flag is an acceptable alternative. It is important to remember that the Flag Code is intended to provide guidance and is not obligatory. It carries no civil or criminal penalties. The Flag Code is only required to be followed on government (Federal, State and Local) buildings. If you do choose to follow the proclamation, it is also important to follow the dates. Leaving the flag at half-staff beyond the days indicated on the proclamation is considered disrespectful to the individual and of our Flag.
Again, we’re looking for your assistance. If you know of any Veterans or Veterans family members here in CCC who could use a helping hand (and many times they won’t ask) please let one of our CCC Veterans members know. We have some resources available or we may be able to get them assistance from other organizations. Thank you.
As always, our association has US Flags (3X5) for sale at $23, and Memorial Bricks to honor our CCC Veterans at our Memorial site. Please visit our CCC website for more Veterans information.
For God and Country,
Rick Whitmer
February 2022
HAPPY VALENTINES’ DAY! Although not a Federal Holiday, this day is celebrated annually on Feb 14th. It originated as a Christian feast day honoring one or two early Christian Martyrs named Saint Valentine. Through the years it has become a significant cultural, religious and commercial celebration of love and romance throughout the world. In addition to Valentine’s Day, the week of February 14th is notable for another observation that has special significance for anyone with a Veteran Family member receiving medical care from a Veteran Facility. The National Salute to Veteran Patients happens this week and pays tribute to an average of 100,000 patients a day that receive medical care and/or treatment in VA Medical facilities, as well as the nine million US Veterans who receive care every year. We have some of those Veterans here in CCC! So, in addition to recognizing your favorite Valentine, say thank you to the Veterans and their family members that you know. They’ll appreciate it.
Another significant day in February for Veterans and current service members and their families is the birthday of the United Service Organizations, better known as USO. The USO was founded on February 4th, 1941, after a request by President Franklin D Roosevelt, to provide morale and recreation services to US Armed forces around the world. Although it is Congressionally chartered, it is not a government agency. It is an American non-profit charitable organization that provides many programs to US Armed Forces and their families around the world. It relies on contributions from companies, corporations and individual donors. So, Happy Birthday USO! For more information you can visit
Instead of a flag tip this month, I’d like to ask for your assistance. If you know of any Veterans or Veterans family members here in CCC who could use a helping hand (and many times they won’t ask) please let one of our CCC Veterans members know. We have some resources available or we may be able to get them assistance from other organizations. Thank you.
And last, but certainly not least, an announcement from our CCC Softball friends. They have been super supporters of our Veterans and we want to return the support. They have announced the date for their annual Golf outing. Mark Saturday April 2nd on your calendar. More details will be published by them. Let’s get out and support them. One thing is for certain, everyone will have a good time.
As always, our association has US Flags (3X5) for sale at $23, and Memorial Bricks to honor our CCC Veterans at our Memorial site. Please visit our CCC website for more Veterans information.
For God and Country,
Rick Whitmer
January 2022
Many thanks to all the volunteers (way too many to list by name) and participants of our Annual Veterans 9 Hole Scramble Golf Tournament. Congratulations to our overall winners: Rob Hary – Scott Sharp – Shelly Stephensen and Scott Groh. They shot a 29 – 7 under par!!! The weather was beautiful, and we had a great turn out. The money that was raised will really help us support our Veterans causes and our CCC Community. And maybe the best part is that everyone had a good time. We are already looking forward to next year.
The month of January has some dates that are interesting to Military History; following are just a few of them. Jan 1st, 1776- During the American Revolution, George Washington unveiled the Grand Union Flag, the first national flag in America. Jan 10th, 1861 – Florida became the 3rd State to secede from the Union in events leading up to the American Civil War. Jan 12th, 1991 – Congress authorized President George Bush to use military force against Iraq following its invasion of Kuwait. Jan 16th, 1991 – The war against Iraq began as allied aircraft conducted a major raid against Iraq air defenses. The air raid on Bagdad was broadcast live to a global audience by CNN correspondents as Operation Desert Shield became Desert Storm. Jan 21st, 1954 – The USS Nautilus, the World’s first nuclear powered submarine was launched at Groton, CT. Go Navy! Jan 27th, 1973 – US involvement in the Vietnam War ended as North Vietnamese and US Representatives signed an agreement in Paris. The US agreed to remove all remaining troops within 60 days, ending the longest war in US History. Over 58,000 Americans had been killed, 300,000 wounded and 2,500 declared missing. A total of 566 POWs had been held by the North Vietnamese during the war with 55 reported deaths. Jan 28th, 1915 – The US Coast Guard was created by an act of Congress, combining the Life Saving Service and the Revenue Cutter Service. Happy Birth Coast Guard!
The flag tip of the month concerns the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag; manner of delivery; IAW The Flag Code, Title 4, United States Code, Chapter 1. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, ” I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”, should be rendered by standing at attention facing the flag with the right hand over the heart. When not in uniform all should remove their headdress with their right hand and hold it at the left shoulder, the hand being over their heart. Persons in uniform should remain silent, face the flag and render the military salute.
As always, our association has US Flags (3X5) for sale at $23, and Memorial Bricks to honor our CCC Veterans at our Memorial site. Please visit our CCC website for more Veterans information.
For God and Country,
Rick Whitmer
December 2021
We would like to thank all of our residents that attended our Veteran’s Day Ceremony on Nov 11th. It went very well and we appreciate the support that the residents of CCC always give us. If you were unable to attend the ceremony, you can still view it on the CCC website. Again, thank you for helping to honor all of our Veterans, both living and deceased.
Our next event is our annual Veterans Golf Outing. This 9-hole scramble will be held on Dec 4th at 1PM. Golfers will play either the front 9 or the back 9. The price is $27.00 ($13 for CCC Golf Members). After golf we will gather in the screen room outside of our lounge to celebrate the winners and distribute the winnings. Also, there will be a 50/50 raffle and many door prizes and beer while it lasts. You can sign up in the pro shop as an individual or as a 4 member team. If you would like to sponsor a hole you can do so for $25 for the front 9 or $25 for the back, or $50 for both. Any questions please call either Ray Strand at 414-587-1386 or Rick Whitmer at 352-399-2019. A good time will be had by all.
The month of December has many dates that have great meaning to Military History, I will only touch on a few of them. The first is National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day. On December 7th, 1941, the Japanese conducted a surprise attack on the neutral United States at the Pearl Harbor Naval Station and other areas in Hawaii, resulting in the deaths of 2,403 Americans and injuring countless others. This led to the United States declaring war on Japan the next day and thus entering World War II. The second date, December 11th, 1941, was the day Germany and Italy declared war on the US. The next 5 years would leave its toll on the entire world. This leads me to the third date, Dec 31, 1946, the official end to WWII. During these horrible five years over 75 million people would be killed, 40 million of whom were civilians. The United States military lost 405,399 brave men and women. We must never forget!
The flag tip of the month concerns respect and care, IAW The Flag Code, Title 4, United States Code, Chapter 1. The flag of the United States represents a living country and is itself considered a living thing. The US flag stands for our nation and the shared history, pride, principles and commitment of its people. When we properly display this powerful symbol, we signal our respect for all that it represents. The flag shouldn’t be flown in inclement weather unless it’s an all weather flag. Flags displayed at night should be properly illuminated. In a time of national mourning, hang the flag at half mast. The flag should not not touch anything below it or rest on the ground. Keep your flag in good condition. When it becomes torn, ripped or faded or otherwise no longer fit for display it should be replaced. It should be destroyed in a dignified way, preferably by burning. At CCC our Veterans group will properly dispose of it for you. There is a collection box for old flags inside the Library and Fitness Building.
As always, our association has US Flags (3X5) for sale at $23, and Memorial Bricks to honor our CCC Veterans at our Memorial site. Please visit our CCC website for more Veterans information.
May you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
For God and Country,
Rick Whitmer
November 2021
November already!! The busy season has arrived. The weather is cooler but the daylight hours are shorter. If you can, get outside and enjoy yourselves. All you Veterans, our meetings have resumed. Please plan on attending. Next meeting date is November 22nd at 10:45 in the Magnolia Room. New residents or longtime residents, really doesn’t matter, just come and meet your fellow veterans. We have a lot in common.
There are two important dates in November.
The first is Nov 10th. The birthday of the United States Marine Corps. On this day, the USMC is 245 years old. Since 1775, the USMC has a proud legacy of “having each other’s back – and never backing down”. So if you know a Marine or see one wearing the Marine Corps Emblem, shout “Happy Birthday Marine! “They will probably respond with “Semper Fi, or Ooh-Rah”.
The second important date is Nov 11th, VETERAN’S DAY. Originally known as Armistice Day, the day major hostilities were formally ended for World War One, the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918. At the urging of major veterans’ groups, Armistice Day was renamed Veterans Day in 1954. It is now a national holiday to pay tribute to all American Veterans -living or deceased- but especially gives thanks to living veterans who served their country honorably during war or peacetime.
Please join us on November 11th at 11AM at the CCC Memorial to help us honor our Veterans.
During the last few months, we have received numerous questions about proper flag etiquette, so for the next few months I will include some information about how to properly display and care for “Old Glory”. Everything that I will share with you can be found under THE FLAG CODE, TITLE 4, UNITED STATES CODE, CHAPTER 1. This month, flying the flag at half-staff. An easy way to remember when to fly the US Flag at half-staff is to consider when the nation is in mourning. Simply put, when the President or Governor issues a proclamation to fly the flag at half-staff, all Federal, State and Local Government Facilities should comply. This does not pertain to businesses or personnel property; however, if a business or property owner wishes to follow the proclamation, they may do so. If using a telescoping pole, it is acceptable to put the American Flag on the second set of rings instead of the top set, leaving the top set empty. When the American Flag is flown at half-staff, all other flags (on that staff) should be removed. For flags that can’t be lowered, such as those on many homes, attaching a black ribbon or streamer to the top of the flag is an acceptable alternative. It is important to note that the Flag Code is a “code”, it is intended to provide guidance and is not obligatory. It carries no civil or criminal penalties. The Flag Code is only required to be followed on public or government buildings.
As always, our association has US Flags (3X5) for sale at $23, and Memorial Bricks to honor our CCC Veterans at our Memorial site.
Please visit our CCC website for more Veterans information. Included on the website is a list of our current officers with phone numbers and a form to order Memorial Bricks.
For God and Country,
Rick Whitmer
October 2021
October!! Wow, summer is over and cooler weather is ahead, we hope! Time to get outside and enjoy CCC. Walk, bike, ride your golf carts, just enjoy. Most of our residents are back and the clubs have resumed their meetings, including ours. If you are a Veteran, please consider joining us. We meet the 3rd Monday of each month (Sep thru May) at 10:45 AM in the Magnolia Room. Next meeting is Oct 18th. New residents or old residents, doesn’t matter. Come and meet your fellow Veterans. We have more in common than we realize and new friends are great.
After much consideration and debate, we have decided to cancel our hotdog fundraiser for Oct. We will miss mingling and laughing with all of the CCC residents (it’s always a fun time) but with all of the uncertainty and changing rules and the fact that there is a lot of “hands on” with food and condiments we felt it is in everyone’s best interest to just cancel this event. We are hoping and praying that this situation will be over by spring and we can resume our hot dog feeds.
We will have our Veteran’s Day Ceremony on Thursday November 11th @11AM. The ceremony will be held at the CCC Veteran’s Memorial. There is plenty of space to social distance, so please plan on joining us as we honor our Veteran’s, past and present. We will be adding a new item to our ceremony this year, thanks to Billy and Linda Schools, called “The Bell of Remembrance”. I think it will be very special. And while I’m on that subject, a very special thank you is due to our Woodcrafters Club, and especially Joe Sucharda, for their help with this project.
But I’m not done, I need all of CCC’s help in putting together a list of our resident Veterans that we have lost in the last few years. I’m looking for Name and Branch of Service. Please help, email info to I don’t want to miss anyone. Thank You.
There is one important military event in October. The U.S. Navy will celebrate it’s birthday on October 13th. The U.S. Navy was established on October 13, 1775, 246 years ago. So, Happy Birthday Navy and to all of it’s proud Veteran’s.
As always, our association has US Flags (3X5) for sale at $23, and Memorial Bricks to honor our CCC Veterans at our Memorial site. Please visit our CCC website for more Veteran’s information. Included on the website is a list of our current officers with phone numbers, and a form to order Memorial Bricks.
For God and Country,
Rick Whitmer
September 2021
September already, with Labor Day the unofficial end of summer. But Florida residents know better as this is normally the most active time of the hurricane season. Please stay aware, up-to-date and prepared.
September is also when our Veterans Association resumes its monthly meetings. We meet in the Magnolia Room at 10:45AM on the 3rd Monday of each month. So, mark your calendar for September 20th at 10:45AM. All Veterans are invited to attend. You served your country faithfully and with honor; now we’re asking you to help serve our community.
In addition to Labor Day, there are a couple of days this month that are important to all Americans. The first, Sept 11th, better known as Patriot Day. This day is set aside as a national day of mourning each year in memory of the citizens we lost in the terrorist attacks on 9-11-2001. Fly your flag, say a prayer, observe a moment of silence in memory of those lost. The second, September 17th, Americans celebrate Constitution Day and Citizenship Day. You are encouraged to remember the importance of our Constitution, and reflect on the rights and responsibilities of citizenship and what it means to be a U.S. Citizen.
September 17th is National POW/MIA Recognition Day. This is truly a day of mourning for all Veterans and Veteran’s families. Across the Nation, there will be many ceremonies and events to recognize POWs, MIA and their families to show honor and support for their sacrifice. According to the Department of Defense, there are almost 82,000 American Military members still listed as missing. As you travel around you will see the Black and White POW/MIA Flag flying under the American Flag. This is a powerful symbol of America’s determination to account for US personnel still missing and unaccounted for. Please honor this flag and what it represents. And again, say a prayer and observe a moment of silence for all POW/MIA and their families.
As always, our association has US Flags (3X5) for sale at $23, and Memorial Bricks to honor our
CCC Veterans at our Memorial site. Please visit our CCC website for more Veterans information. Included on the website is a list of our current officers with phone numbers, and a form to order Memorial
See you on Sep 20th!
For God and Country,
Rick Whitmer
August, 2021
Here we are in August already, well into Hurricane Season. We know it will be hot, muggy and most likely, wet. We urge all of you to be extra cautious during this unpredictable time of year. Please stay aware and prepared. Anyone needing help can contact any of our Veterans or our CCC Administration. We have some really great residents here who will always lend a helping hand.
Even though we don’t meet during the Summer months, we are still looking for new members. We are pleased to tell you that we have 2 new female Veterans in our organization who have been very active with our events. We are looking for more Veterans (Male or Female) who want to join us and help make a difference in our Community. We are also looking for a talented individual (you don’t have to be a Veteran) who would be willing to provide a marching beat on a Snare Drum (provided) during our special events on Memorial and Veterans Days. Please join us at our next meeting on Monday, September 20th @10:45AM. In the meantime, please visit the Veterans section of the CCC Website.
August 7th is National Purple Heart Day. The Purple Heart was first created on August 7th, 1782 by the Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army, General George Washington. Then known as the Badge of Military Merit, it was awarded to only 3 Revolutionary soldiers in 1783. After the end of the American War of Independence, no medals were awarded until 1932, when the medal was revived on the bicentennial anniversary of George Washington’s birth. According to a circular dated February 22, 1932, Purple Heart Medals were to be awarded to those wounded or killed while serving in the United States Armed Forces as a result of enemy action on or after April 5, 1917. (The United States officially joined the First World War on April 6, 1917) Since then, it is estimated that over 1.8 Million Purple Hearts have been awarded for bravery under fire. If you know any Veterans who have been awarded the Purple Heart, please tell them thank you.
As always, we have US Flags (3X5) for sale, as well as memorial bricks to honor our CCC Veterans. Please visit our CCC website for more Veterans information. Included on the website is a list of our Current officers with phone numbers, and a form to order Memorial Bricks.
June, 2021
As you are reading this, our Memorial Day Ceremony is behind us. As a group, our Association extends a huge THANK YOU to all of the residents of CCC. Your support is very important to us, I also want to take a moment to say THANK YOU to our Honor Guard and Color Guard for their hard work in conducting this ceremony. It’s an important day in the lives of all Veterans and your dedication is really appreciated. A special thanks to Billy Schools who coordinated this entire event.
With Summer upon us, our Veterans Association will be taking our normal summer break. Our next meeting will be Monday, September 20th, 2021. Please keep in mind, even though we will not be meeting, many of us will still be around if we are needed. I encourage everyone to visit the CCC website, Veterans section, often. We are trying to keep this updated with articles and information to help Veterans and their families. Also, for your convenience, our officers phone numbers are listed.
Monday, June 14th, is Flag Day in the United States. Even though it is not a National Holiday, we celebrate this day each year to honor the United States Flag and commemorate its adoption. On June 14th, 1777, the Continental Congress replaced the British Grand Union Flag with a new design that we know today as the National Symbol of the United States of America. However, Flag Day did not become official until August 1949, when President Harry Truman signed the legislation and proclaimed each June 14th as Flag Day.
Now would be a good time to check your US Flag. If it is faded, ripped or torn, please replace it. If you
need assistance, ask any of our Veterans for help. We have new 3X5 Flags you can purchase for $23.
And please, dispose of the old flags properly. There is a collection box inside the Exercise Room.
Again, we hope all of you have a great summer. We look forward to seeing you in the Fall.
For GOD and country,
Rick Whitmer
May 2021
On Monday, May 31st @ 11AM, we will be conducting our Memorial Day Program at the CCC Veterans Memorial. Everyone is invited to attend.
If you have attended any of our ceremonies in the past, I’m sure you have noticed our Color Guard. These patriotic and dedicated ladies are all residents of CCC. I can’t tell you how much they are appreciated; our programs just wouldn’t be the same without them. They are looking for some new members. You don’t have to be a Veteran or the spouse of a Veteran, just have the willingness to serve for a few hours for special occasions. If you are interested, please contact Bonnie Andersohn @ 399-2812. She is the Color Guard Captain and will be happy to provide you with all the details. We are also still looking for a talented individual who can play a snare drum to provide a marching drum beat to accompany our Color Guard and Honor Guard. (Snare drum is provided) If interested, call Rick Whitmer @ 399-2019 or Billy Schools @ 748-4427.
Memorial Day is a very significant day in the lives of all Veterans. It is much more than a day off from
work or the start of the summer vacation period. It is a day set aside to honor all of the men and women
who have served this great country and made the ultimate sacrifice for the freedoms that we enjoy to this
day. Originally named Decoration Day, Americans from both the North and the South took the time to
decorate the graves of soldiers who gave their lives during the Civil War. Three years after the Civil War
ended, on May 5, 1868, the head of an organization of Union Veterans – The Grand Army of the Republic
(GAR) – established Decoration Day as a time for the Nation to decorate the graves of the war dead with
flowers. Maj. General John A. Logan declared that Decoration Day be observed on May 30. It is believed this date was chosen because flowers would be in bloom all over the country. It remained this way until 1971 when Congress declared the last day in May as Memorial Day and a National Holiday. On this day, all Americans are asked to take a moment of silence and reflect on what Memorial Day means and stand up and honor the men and women who have served their country and paid the ultimate price.
If you are a Military Veteran and reside in CCC, WE WANT YOU to join us and help us support this
great community. We meet on the 3rd Monday of each month in the Magnolia Room @ 10:45
AM. Please consider joining us, it’s a small commitment but an important one. I encourage you to visit the Veterans Section of the CCC Website, new material is added each month and it is becoming a good resource to get answers to your questions and concerns on Veterans affairs. If you know of any resident Veterans who are ill or hospitalized, please contact our Chaplain, Susan Horsman @ 399-2590.
As always we have American Flags (3X5) and Memorial Bricks for purchase. Contact any of our
members or call me @ 399-2019.
For God and Country
Rick Whitm
April, 2021
Mark your calendars, Monday May 31st @ 11AM. We will be conducting our Memorial Day Ceremony at the CCC Veterans Memorial. The safety and well-being of all of our residents is very important to us so we will be following whatever Covid protocols are in place at the time.
If you have attended our ceremonies in the past, the first thing you probably noticed was our Color Guard, made up of some very patriotic and dedicated ladies who reside here in CCC. We couldn’t do what we do without them. They are looking for some new members.
You don’t have to be a Veteran or the spouse of a Veteran, just have the willingness to serve. If you are interested, please contact Bonnie Andersohn at 399-2812, she is the Color Guard Captain and will be happy to give you all the details. We are also looking for a talented individual who can play a snare drum. This will be to provide a marching drum beat to accompany our Color Guard and Honor Guard at special events. Again, you do not have to be a Veteran or the spouse of a Veteran; just have the willingness to help us. If interested call Rick Whitmer at 399-2019 or Billy Schools at 352-748-4427.
There are two Military events that occurred in the month of April that are meaningful to all Veterans, and signify Duty, Honor and Country, especially as we approach Memorial Day.
The first, April 16 and 17. The battle for Hill 255 in 1953, later made world famous in a 1959 movie, known as Pork Chop Hill. This was the site of 2 of the bloodiest battles of the Korean War, claiming the lives of 347 American Soldiers and Marines and 1,036 wounded. The battles for this hill were later deemed to have no strategic or tactical value.
The second is April 29 and 30. On these two days in 1975, Operation Frequent Wind took place in South Viet Nam. In just less than 20 hours, 81 helicopters evacuated more than 1,000 Americans and 6,000 South Vietnamese to Aircraft Carriers waiting offshore as NVA tanks were surrounding the Presidential Palace in Saigon. This marked the unofficial end to US Military involvement in the Viet Nam War. Please remember our Veterans on these days. Freedom comes with a price.
If you are a Military Veteran, WE WANT YOU to be a part of us and help us support CCC. We meet on the 3rd Monday of each month in the Magnolia Room at 10:45AM. Please consider joining us.
As always, we have American Flags (3X5) and Memorial Bricks for purchase. I encourage you to visit the Veterans section of the CCC Website. New material is being added each month.
Any questions or concerns on Veterans Affairs or if you know of any Veterans who may need assistance, visit the CCC website or notify one of our members. If you know of any resident Veterans who are ill or hospitalized, please contact our Chaplain, Susan Horsman at 352-399-25590.
For God and Country
Rick Whitmer
March 2021
Our hotdog fundraiser for March 2021 is cancelled. Because of the
way this Covid is still spreading, and the fact that we have to handle and
distribute food in close quarters, we decided that it would be better for our
Veterans and our residents to cancel. We look forward to resuming our
fundraiser in the fall.
There are two dates in March that are significant to our Veterans.
The first, March 25th is National Medal of Honor Day. Established in 1861, the Medal of Honor is the Nation’s highest and most prestigious medal for valor in combat that can be awarded to members of the armed forces. To date, 3,473 MOH have been awarded, 261 during the Viet Nam war.
The second date, March 29th, is National Viet Nam War Veterans Day. Our involvement in Viet Nam started officially on Aug 5th, 1964 when 2 NVA gunboats attacked 2 US Navy Destroyers. It ended on May 7th, 1975 by a proclamation from President Ford. Please remember our Veterans on these days.
I am pleased to announce that one of our members, Susan Horsman, has agreed to be the acting Chaplain for our association. One of her duties is to keep track of our members and other resident Veterans who may be sick and/or hospitalized. You can help by letting Susan know when this happens. She can be reached at 352-399-2590.
If you are a military veteran, WE WANT YOU to be a part of us and help us support our community. We meet on the 3rd Monday of each month in the Magnolia Room at 10:45AM. Please consider joining us. We are only as strong as our membership.
As always, we have Memorial Bricks and American flags available for purchase. Any questions or concerns on Veterans Affairs or if you know of any Veterans who might need assistance, visit us on the CCC Website or notify one of our members.
For God and Country
Rick Whitmer
February 2021
Sad news: On January 15th, 2021 we lost another of our CCC Veterans. William “Bill” Gray passed away at a family residence in Pennsylvania. Bill and his wife Rita moved back to PA due to health issues and to be with family. Bill was one of our founders and a driving force in planning and forming the CCC Veterans Association. As our first Commander he was
instrumental in the planning and building of the Memorial that we enjoy today. On the morning of January 18th,
2021, Ernie Meyers, our current Vice-Commander and good friend, passed away due to an illness. Ernie was
also a member of our current CCC Board of Directors. As I am sure that these two great men and veterans will be
welcomed in Heaven with open arms; they will be truly missed here by all who knew them.
As you drive around our community you can’t help but notice the American Flag flying in so many front
yards. It’s a heart warming site and a true sign of the patriotism of our residents. This really is a wonderful place
to live and play in our retirement years. I encourage all of you to visit our Memorial at the front of CCC. The Memorial was designed to honor and remember the Veterans who have lived here and all Veterans who have
served this great country. It’s a wonderful and quiet place to walk around and enjoy the outdoors, or just sit on
one of the benches and meditate.
If you are a Military Veteran, WE WANT YOU to be a part of us to help support our community. We meet on
the 3rd Monday of each month in the Magnolia Room at 10:45 AM. If you are not a Veteran and would like to
help, there are ways to do this also. For instance, helping hands at our Hot Dog Fund Raisers, special events
and Memorial Services. If you are interested, talk to or call any of our members. Please consider joining us. There
are many ways we can continue to help and serve our community.
As always, we have Memorial Bricks and American Flags available for purchase.
Any questions or concerns on Veterans affairs or if you know of any Veterans who might need assistance, visit
the CCC Web site or call me at 399-2019.
For GOD and Country
Rick Whitmer
January 2021
By the time you read this we will be into the new year. So, HAPPY NEW YEAR and welcome to 2021. We would like to thank all of our residents for their support of our Veterans Association and the events that we sponsor. With 2020 behind us our hope is to once again hold our Hot Dog Nights and the special events for Memorial Day and Veterans Day. However, all safety measures for the health and well-being of our members and residents will be considered before hosting any events. A huge Thank You to all participants and sponsors of our golf tournament held on Dec 5th. It was a great success and it appeared that everyone had a good time. The funds raised will help us with our mission of supporting Veterans issues and concerns here in CCC. In the near future (it may already be in place) our Veterans Association will have a presence on the CCC website. It will start small with a few pictures and some important information, but our hope is to build it into an important site for all residents and veterans to be able to access for issues about Veterans concerns. Our mission is to provide a forum for fellowship and support for all CCC resident military veterans and their families. To provide unity, well being and compassion. If you are a military veteran, WE WANT YOU to be a part of us and help us support our community. We meet on the 3rd Monday of each month in the Magnolia Room at 10:45AM. Our Honor Guard is the most visible part of our Association and we are looking for new participants to help with our special events and memorial services, but there are also other ways to help us continue to serve. Please consider joining us. We are only as strong as our membership. As always, we have Memorial Bricks and American Flags available for purchase. Any questions or concerns on Veterans Affairs or if you know of any Veterans who might need assistance, visit the CCC Website or call 399-2019. For God and Country
Rick Whitmer, Vice Commander
December 2020
I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. We are looking forward to our December 5th golf outing. 50/50 tickets were on sale at the pro shop the week of Nov. 22nd and the week of Nov. 29th. The cost of the outing is golf members $13.00 and non members $27.00, starting time is 1:00pm. There will be a putting contest prior to the outing. We will meet at the Ball Diamond after for golf prizes and refreshments. Please furnish your own snacks. The sign up sheet is at the pro shop. For more information you may call Ray Strand, 414-587-1386 or Rick Whitmer at 352-399-2019.
Our next meeting is Dec. 21st in the Magnolia Room at 10:45am. We will have nominations, elections, and installation of officers. Please attend!!!
Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. God Bless our veterans. Veterans helping Veterans, Commander Roger Baker